Takers Never Sleep
over 8 years ago
– Mon, May 30, 2016 at 01:35:03 PM
…but I do! As I roused from my lapse of weakness, I found a new stretch goal leering over me. If had been a zombie, I’d be shambling around right now.
Thank you so much!
We’ve unlocked the Le Corbusier PDF for everybody at Ubiq level and above. Now everyone can challenge their home groups with the struggles of making ends meet on the hard streets of the Corbizzy. I’m so excited to write this supplement!
What’s Next?
Full-page pregen portraits and the MBA rules. This next goal adds playability to both sides of the game’s life cycle. A beautifully illustrated, representative pregen is often a gamer's first introduction to an RPG, and the increased challenge of the MBA rules will keep RM engaging well past your first campaign’s retirement (if you make it that far). 32K makes the book more delightful to flip through and more engrossing to think about. It'll also open up some premium placements for the backer characters at the Steward level.
I have really high hopes for this stretch goal. It’s going to make Red Markets a book to rival some trad RPGs in terms of sheer content, and the last few days have taught me to have faith this great community can get us there.
New Stretch Goal Unlocked: LifeLines Forum
Red Markets has 500 backers now, and the enclave is only growing. We need a home online. I’m already deep in development of a professional website to spread word about the game, but if the KS experience has proven anything, it’s that games live and die on the strength of the community.
I want this stretch goal to encourage the longevity of the game, of course, but not as much as I want to hop on and play with it too!
Social Stretch Goal Update
We’ve scheduled 3 podcast interview and one photo plug for 800 bounty
1804 Social Bounty total. PLAYMAT UNLOCKED.
Everyone can now play Red Markets like a game of high-stakes poker. There’s something deeply, thematically satisfying about splashing a whole pot of chips when your gambling to save your character’s life.
And we’re less than 200 away from a GM Screen. We can hit that in an hour! Keep spreading the word.
Updates for Later
Well, hopefully more stretch goal announcements, for one. We’ll also be continuing the adventures of Smoke and continuing our tour of the Profit System.